
The Dash


by Linda Ellis

I read of a man who stood to speak
at the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on her tombstone
from the beginning...to the end.
He noted that first came the date of her birth
and spoke of the following date with tears,
but he said what mattered most of all
was the dash between those years.
For that dash represents all the time
that she spent alive on earth
and now only those who loved her
know what that little line is worth.
For it matter not, how much we own,
the cars...the house...the cash.
What matters is how we live and love
and how we spend our dash.
So think about this long and hard;
are there things you'd like to change?
For you never know how much time is left
that can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough
to consider what's true and real
and always try to understand
the way other people feel.
And be less quick to anger
and show appreciation more
and love the people in our lives
like we've never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect
and more often wear a smile...
remembering that this special dash
might only last a little while.
So when your eulogy is being read
with your life's actions to rehash,
would you be proud of the things they say
about how you spent your dash?


There You Are

I've spent moments searching my mind
For the days of forgotten time.
Looking back in memories of my life,
Searching the years of struggle and strife.

As we grow older we think of yesterday.
Did we do the right things in every way?
Or were the years wasted in vain...
And the laughter our only gain?

Many days of foolish youth gone by,
Should I sit here and wonder why?
Perhaps to remember without regret,
Only the good should I dare to reflect?

Then I think, time is not only the past.
There are the days ahead, make them last.
Then the moments of now are not very far.
Wherever you go, that's where you are.



Times I lie here with troubled mind
Seeking answers that I can't find
Hope is far away and so unreal
Peace I wish for yet fear I feel

Closing my eyes I clasp my hand
Pray to God to understand
Forgive my sins, bless my day
Give me comfort, show me the way

Prayers are answered, this I know
Jesus had promised long time ago
That if I asked I shall receive
And in His promise... I do believe

Sometimes in doubt, without hope
It seems so hard for me to cope.
I turn to God to take my hand
To give me strength to understand

With a prayer fears are gone
And I'm no longer all alone
The peace I pray for is received
For in God I have believed


Silent Solitude

A wonderful place, the silence of solitude
In a forest dappled with light.
From Heaven above in a quiet interlude
God's warmth appears so bright.
I revel in the joy of nature's grace,
Felt so deep within my mind.
From this wonderful silent place,
Are all my cares quietly left behind!


In Memory of Momo - Dec 22, 2009


Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there I do not sleep
I am a thousand winds that blow
I am the diamond glint on snow
Do not stand at my grave and cry
I am not there - I did not die.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain
I am the gentle autumn rain
When you awake in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight
I am the soft stars that shine at night
Do not stand at my grave and cry
I am not there - I did not die.